We are happy to announce that the newest version of the
TSUE is available.
To read more about the new features please see
this thread.
List of New features and changes:
Ability to reset a member passkey in Staff CP.
Ability to set limit the number of torrents to show in a RSS feed.
Auto-Update donation table whenever a new active Member-Upgrade created by Admin.
Ability to set expiry date of a Member-Upgrade.
Updated Forum style.
Click to Show Voters & Votes per Poll.
Ability to Mass Delete threads.
Ability to Mass Move threads.
Ability to Mass Delete Staff Messages.
Ability to Create non-clickable Menu Items.
Ajax Pagination to Private Messages.
Torrent Bookmark System.
Ability to Set Request Limit per member-group.
Ability to edit Requests.
Ability to add Request Description.
Ability to copy mass-generated invites.
Ability to Tweet News & Announcements.
Ability to Check Server Status (HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, FTP, POP3 and XBT).
TinyMCE Editor upgraded to v3.5 (Recent stable release which supports BR tags).
Re-Coded Forum Search System.
We have switched to MySQL Fulltext search system to improve overall performance.
Re-Coded Shoutbox & Staff Chat.
More detailed debug info.
Ability to check max-slots per membergroup in announce.
Password Expirity per Membergroup.
Welcome Screen to Admin CP.
Show TSUE Files and Database size in Server Details.
Admin CP Add-ons.
TSUE Store.
Add-on: Test Mail System.
Add-on: Website Performance Test.
Add-on: Paypal Transaction Lookup.
Add-on: Detect abnormal download/uploads.
New Payment Api: Alertpay (Payza).
Bug fixes and other improvements to website performance.