We need and option to protect set usergroups (like staff) from change in group due to donating or donation expiring. For example a site that changes usergroup to VIP and then also changes to say ex-VIP or other group on expiration also does the same to staff who happen to donate so we have to keep manually changing staff back.
This was also an issue in TSSE however Xam solved half of issue by adding protect usergroup from promotion but this didn't stop them from been moved after sub expired.
There are workarounds for this like creating another set of donation boxes and labeling them as "staff only" and making the donations not change group or only giving staff permission or asking staff to donate directly etc but these create and awkward moment/positions as it kind of makes staff feel obliged or at least as if they are been asked or expected at some point to make a donation.
In my opinion a much better way would be to have a settings to protect chosen groups from changing group when donating and also other option to stop them changing when donation expires. This way staff can simply use the current donation options if/when they feel like it with no intervention on Admins part apart from a setting back end and would solve the issue completely.
[edit]..... Just found out in TSUE you can create upgrades and only show them to set usergroups so that solves prob as we can create a set for normal users and set for staff, they will look same but can have option not to change group. This is great as in TSSE we could create staff only upgrades but not add use or view permissions.
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